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New Campus is a campus student platform where experiential faith experiences are created by presenting WAY MAPs and providing mission maps in various areas so that students can voluntarily lead a religious life.
New campus provides directions to become students who live a missionary life that affects the world with the knowledge of God based on the word that God renews knowledge according to His image through the fear of God.
하나님에 의한 하나님을 위한 하나님을 향한 소명의 확신을 가지게 되는 과정입니다.
Faith Training
청년들의 변화를 도와주는 양육코스입니다.
Mission Map
선교적 삶을 실천 할 수 있는 선교맵을 제시하여 사명적 삶의 경험을 돕는 과정입니다.
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